January 19, 2024
Thе Landscapе of Hеart Disеasе: A Shift in Pеrspеctivе Traditionally, studiеs on hеart disеasе hеavily lеanеd toward mеn, leaving a substantial knowledge gap whеn it camе to undеrstanding its manifеstation in womеn. Contrary to outdatеd bеliеfs, hеart disеasе stands as thе lеading causе of dеath for womеn globally. Each year, cardiovascular disease claims the lives […]
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What is Fatty Livеr Disеasе? Thе livеr plays a crucial role in procеssing nutriеnts, dеtoxifying thе blood, and producing еssеntial protеins. Howеvеr, whеn thе livеr accumulates morе fat than it can metabolise, fatty livеr disеasе occurs. This еxcеss fat can hinder thе livеr’s ability to function optimally, potentially leading to inflammation and scarring. Prеvalеncе and […]
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If you are looking forward to having healthy and lustrous skin, then you need to indulge yourself in a daily skincare routine. However, with so many different types of skincare products available in the market, it might be difficult for you to understand where exactly you should start. Also, no one wants to spend hours […]
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The pharmaceutical sector has shown extraordinary growth over the past few years. The future of this industry also looks quite prosperous, which is why more and more individuals are entering the pharmaceutical industry with the hope of generating a really good revenue. Also, different types of pharma businesses are currently operating in the pharma industry, […]
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November 27, 2023
Eggs are nutritionally super food as it has almost every nutrient your body requires. Be it protein or immunity, an egg can give you everything. This is why eggs are a must in daily breakfasts in many homes. So if you are planning to include eggs in your diet, here are the top 5 egg […]
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One of the best ways to control high blood pressure and prevent it is by staying physically active. Exercise strengthens the heart and aids in lowering blood pressure. However, it is important to remember that some forms of exercise can also lead to high blood pressure and should not be performed if you have HBP. […]
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One of the most essential B vitamins is Vitamin B12. It keeps the body healthy and functioning properly. But the question comes: does vitamin B12 give you energy? Although this vitamin does not directly produce or give energy to the body, it helps to perform the chemical reaction to produce energy. Therefore Vitamin B12 is […]
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Did you know that rhinovirus is the most common type of virus that causes the common cold? Generally a cold virus enters the body through the mouth, eyes or nose, when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes, or talks. The virus spreads through the droplets in the air. It can also spread when there is […]
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Dyspnea is the medical term for shortness of breath. Different techniques can prove helpful and effective in providing fast relief from difficulty in breathing. However, it is imperative to understand that severe shortness of breath will need medical attention immediately. Most of the time shortness of breath does not require medical attention and can be […]
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Dietary supplements may come in various forms such as pills, powder or liquid. Since these supplements are used to provide the body with adequate amounts of nutrients, these are called dietary supplements. Dietary supplements contain at least one dietary ingredient which can be minerals, herbs or botanicals. One such example of a highly popular dietary […]
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